Fresh out of Tokens

Tinglers, Cyborgs and Unburnt Witches, Part the First

Episode Summary

The amazing Zoe Quinn hangs out with our EIC Tanya to talk about the new game based off Chuck Tingle's works, new book that's out soon, becoming a cyborg and more.

Episode Notes

The amazing Zoe Quinn hangs out with our EIC Tanya to talk about the new game based off Chuck Tingle's works, new book that's out soon, becoming a cyborg and more.

There’s tees, mugs and other items in the I Need Diverse Games spreadshirt shop. Any profits are split 50/50 with @Chachibobinks who created the logo and banner. There’s a blog to compliment the show! Feel free to drop a note to if you have questions, compliments, episode or guest feedback. The site is or outoftokenscast on tumblr. Keep up with guest announcements and show news at @OutOfTokensCast

Note: Though the questions sent in by listeners are in the show notes, we had some technical difficulties and have to re-record the Q&A portion of the show. Part II will air later in May.

Questions for Zoe

Jarryd Huntley: What's your favorite metal band(if applicable😉)? Jk, but what's your favorite band(s)?

Jamie Jeans: Sorry if this is so simple but... how are you? Are you doing okay?

What was behind the decision to go old school for the live action video game design of the Chuck Tingle Digital Adventure game? I hadn't seen that in a LONG long time.

TimpoAdante: You have done a lot of incredible things, and you constantly advocate for others even in those moments when most people would just be seeking to shore up support for themselves. What is something you've done (that you can actually talk about) that you are proudest of, whether a lot of folks already know about it or not?

Out of all the folks you've worked with, who do you still hope you'll get the opportunity to work with, and what kind of thing would you like to make or do with them?

What was the most surprising thing you were able to notice or do after getting your magnetic implant? Is this implant the harbinger of the cybernetic revolution?

Where to find our guest online

Twitter: @UnburntWitch

Kickstarted in the Butt - The Tingler

Pre-Order Crash Override on Amazon

Zoe's GDC Talk on Comedy in Games Video autoplays on open

Crash Override

Zoe on Patreon

Where to find your host online:

Tanya D. - @cypheroftyr // @INeedDivGms

Twitch: //

Support the show via I Need Diverse Games Patreon

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